• Why did your organizations choose to unify as one organization, Camino Wellbeing + Mental Health? 

    Our goal with unification is to amplify our impact. Together, we will create a system that brings greater impact to our community's growing mental health and wellbeing needs. We believe as one unified organization, we will be able to: 

    • Improve services for the community  

    • Simplify our system, and use our resources more effectively 

    • Expand our programs and services to serve more

  • What does the name Camino mean?

    Camino means path. We are here to provide tools, resources, and services that support people in our community as they walk the path to achieving their best mental health and wellbeing. We are here, walking beside them on their path, every step of the way.

  • What organizations are now under the Camino banner?

    On April 1, 2023, Carizon Family and Community Services, KW Counselling Services and Monica Place will unify to become Camino Wellbeing + Mental Health.

  • How will this affect the services you offer?

    By building a shared future as Camino we can serve individuals, families, and communities in Waterloo Region even better, providing a variety of programs to strengthen their mental health and wellbeing.  It will also simplify the path to accessing the right services at the right time for the people that we serve.

  • What can I as a client or participant expect from this unification?

    The people we serve are always our priority and at this time nothing changes for our community and participants – all of our collective services remain the same.  

    As we unify and expand and deepen our offerings, our work as Camino Wellbeing + Mental Health will be grounded in ensuring that when you connect with our organization you will have a personalized first point of contact experience that supports the unique circumstances of you and your family and that you are connected to the right support and services.

  • Will programs like Parenting Now, OK2BME and Pathways to Education for example still be offered?

    Yes, and at this time, nothing changes for you. Any groups or programs you attend or services that you currently receive will all remain the same.

  • Will I have to complete any new paperwork or registration process?

    No, the information you have given us to date is all we need.

  • Who will have access to my information in the new organization?

    Privacy and confidentiality are very important aspects of our work. Only employees involved with your program(s) and service will access your information.

  • Could this unification decrease wait times?

    As Camino Wellbeing + Mental Health we will be able to expand our programs and services, allowing us to respond to the increased mental health needs of our community.