Finding a Path of Hopefulness Through Safety, Security, and Support

When basic human needs aren’t met, feeling safe and finding the hope to move forward can feel like an impossible journey. This was the case for Kate, who suddenly found herself and her son without a home to live in, until fate led her to Camino Wellbeing + Mental Health’s services.

Kate shared with her support worker, “Without you, I would not be where I am today. Thanks for helping me find my way.”

A friend familiar with Camino referred Kate to our Supportive Housing Program where she and her son found a home and the security they needed to rebuild their lives. Our Supportive Housing Program consists of 15 subsidized independent living units for young parents and their children. This program allows these families a safe place to live, for up to two years, that they otherwise may not be able to afford. The program also offers support worker assistance for residents who may need help taking steps to find employment, further their education, develop parenting and life skills, and get connected to counselling support.

With support from our Camino programs and the stability of a safe roof over their heads, Kate found strength and hope. She was able to seek out and acquire employment to provide for her son. After a few months she was able to move independently to a living space that felt like a good place for both of them.

While in this program, Kate gained the confidence and the drive to dream bigger and pursue post-secondary education, a task that felt unsurmountable when she first arrived at Camino’s doorstep. Walking alongside Kate, her Camino Support Workers supported her through the application process, the next step on the path to achieving her goal.

Kate and her son are walking a path towards a brighter future. When people feel safe, secure, and supported, even the most daunting challenges can be overcome.

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