Tomorrow Needs You

The Kaitlyn Roth Tournament of Hope

On April 28, 2022, Kaitlyn, a third year University of Waterloo student who had dreams of working with children with special needs, died due to the disease of mental illness.

For Kaitlyn’s family – parents Mike and Fiona and siblings Molly and Michael – processing their grief meant the decision to try to “make it better and not be bitter.”

“The mental health system will never change unless mental illness is seen as a disease like diabetes and treated just the way physical illnesses are. It is a brain disease, simply put. No one wants to suffer like this. It is so important to keep these conversations going to reduce the stigma and continue to advocate for better and evidenced-based mental health services for all.”

Finding hope when you have been profoundly impacted by the disease of mental illness might seem impossible, however the family of Kaitlyn Roth are determined.

Just as determined as Kaitlyn was to live a life of joy. She sought joy through her involvement in student council, choirs, band, sports, leadership conferences, and mission work with her church.

“Kaitlyn was a ‘go-getter’. She got involved in so many activities and had such a kind spirit. Always finding time to write notes or give gifts to friends and family. She was the best at getting everyone involved and organized many tournaments in the Roth household,” shares her parents.

When struggles with her mental health meant that joy became hard to grasp, Kaitlyn and her family reached out for support. Long waitlists, a crisis-model of care, and an inability to match Kaitlyn’s needs with available programs and services meant she fell through the cracks.

By embracing that mantra, the Roths organized the inaugural Kaitlyn Roth Tournament of Hope, a two-day girls’ basketball tournament held in October 2022 to raise funds in support of this agency’s adult mental health programs and services. The tournament, which welcomed 120 players all wearing shirts that read “Tomorrow Needs You”, was also a way to begin and nurture conversations between students and staff about compassion, peer-led supports, and the importance of talking about mental health – no matter how difficult.

Through the Tournament of Hope, family, friends, and community members raised over $35,000. The Kaitlyn Roth Tournament of Hope will run annually to continue honouring Kaitlyn’s legacy, inspire new conversations about mental health, and share the reminder: “Tomorrow Needs You.”

“We made a decision to focus on helping others right from the day of her death. We were so disappointed with the adult mental health system, that we decided to use our voice from our difficult lived experience to bring hope to others and hopefully use our story to be a vehicle for positive change. Our mantra is ‘let’s make it better and not be bitter’. There are many Kaitlyn’s out there.”

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