Connecting to the Right Supports and Services at the Right Time!

Enhancing Services for the People We Serve

Our newly unified Wayfinding team is committed to ensuring a personalized first point of contact experience, tailored to the unique circumstances of the people we serve, connecting them to the right supports and services at the right time.

We are inspired to reimagine and improve our intake process in order to serve our clients in the best way possible. This is a priority area and one we are focused on as Camino Wellbeing + Mental Health. Prior to unification, Carizon, KW Counselling, and Monica Place came together to envision what this Wayfinding service could look like to provide easier access for clients. We are excited about the progress made so far and look forward to advancing this process.

“My counsellor was warm, inviting, approachable, and had a great listening ear. I felt heard for the first time in years - thank you!”

— Single Session Counselling Participant

With the unification of the three agencies, we’ve merged waitlists, allowing us to connect people who had been waiting the longest with available counselling openings, resulting in a significant reduction in wait times. Over the first three months as a unified organization, we were able to reduce the average waitlist time by more than a third.

With unification, we are creating a central point of access, which includes a knowledgeable, skilled, and responsive team available to walk alongside program participants through their journey and provide an enhanced service navigation experience.

By coming together and sharing ideas, resources, and capacity, Camino has made a real difference supporting more timely access to mental health services for individuals, families, and our community, holding to our promise of building an even better service for the community.

Wayfinding continues to work toward being the heart of Camino, serving as the first touchpoint where people can easily and seamlessly access any of our expanded services. No matter how program participants connect with us, they receive a consistent experience that supports their unique circumstances and connects them to the right support and services at the right time.

This is just the beginning, and we look forward to continuing to partner with the community to implement and further enhance services for the people we serve.

We are grateful to OTF for their generous support of our Wayfinding Project!

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