Quick Response Drop-In Counselling available Mon-Fri.

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Education and Workplaces

Employee Wellbeing Program (EWP)

The Employee Wellbeing Program (EWP) is a service offered by an employer. The Camino Wellbeing + Mental Health EWP partners with employers to provides employees and their families with access to support for all of life’s challenges. It is confidential – your employer receives no information about the services you receive, or even the fact that you accessed the EWP. 

If you would like more information about setting up an EWP at your workplace, please reach out to us at ewp@caminowellbeing.ca.

If you have an EWP and would like to access supports, please fill out this form to request a call with our Wayfinding Team. Please note your place of work when filling out your information.

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EWP Services

Services include:

  • Individual, family and couples counselling 
  • Wellness promotion, training and resources 
  • Groups and workshops 
  • Critical incident debriefing 
  • Credit counselling and financial literacy programs 
  • Children’s counselling 
  • Assorted therapies as needed, such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Play Therapy, Narrative, Mindfulness, Trauma Treatment
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