Quick Response Drop-In Counselling available Mon-Fri.

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Relationship Supports

We offer a continuum of supports from fostering safe and healthy relationships to supporting survivors of abuse.

Is your relationship healthy? Take this quiz!

Would you like some support with a relationship with your loved one?

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Individual, Family, and Children’s Counselling

Focusing on your strengths, our therapists are available to assist you and your family.

Individual Counselling

Family Counselling

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Couples Counselling

Counselling to help you improve your relationship and build healthier relationships.

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Support with Parenting

Supports to help improve your relationship with your child(ren) and have more confidence in your parenting skills.

For children aged 0-6

For children aged 7-17

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Groups and Workshops

We offer groups that focus on healthy relationships and healthy ways to manage emotions. 

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Single Session Quick Access Counselling

A 60-90 minute counselling session to explore practical solutions and new coping skills (couples will not be seen together but may access individual sessions).

Are you in an unhealthy relationship, experiencing abuse in a relationship, or on a journey of healing after leaving an abusive relationship?

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Trauma Informed Individual and Family Counselling

We provide support to adults and their children who may have witnessed and/or experienced Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). We welcome those in any style of relationship. If you are dealing with abuse, you will find support and understanding here.

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Quick Response Drop-in Counselling

A 60-90 minute counselling session to help you get started with a plan so you may feel emotionally and physically safe.

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Groups For People Who Have Experienced Abuse

Including groups like Strong Moms, Safe Kids, Understanding Me, Moving Towards Healthy Relationships, Building Better Boundaries, and VOICES Support Group.

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Survivor Led Initiatives

Waterloo Region VOICES survivors seek to break the silence that enables abusers through empowerment, sharing stories of hope, and inspiring others.

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Referrals to the Family Violence Project (FVP) and Other Community Partners

Learn more about Family Violence Project (FVP) and Domestic Violence Service Coordination Committee (DVSCC).