Quick Response Drop-In Counselling available Mon-Fri.

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Waterloo Region-wide Tutoring

Waterloo Region-wide Tutoring is a no cost service for any student in Waterloo Region. Students can access supports to assist in developing skills and expanding knowledge to successfully achieve academic goals. Our network of dedicated and capable volunteer tutors go through a detailed screening and onboarding process to make sure they can best support students attending the sessions.

How you can use Tutoring and Homework Spaces

Bring homework or something you are currently finding challenging at school. If you do not have homework, bring something the tutors can use to help expand your learning.

As a quiet, safe space to do your work in.

As a common place to gather with friends and classmates to complete group projects or schoolwork.

Tutoring and Homework Spaces Calendar

See the calendar below for more details about Tutoring and Homework Spaces at each site and online! Please use the small calendar icon in the top right to filter and see the tutoring schedules for each programs.


Have Questions? Contact Us

Reach out by emailing info@caminowellbeing.ca or calling 519-743-6333.

Follow here for all tutoring updates on Instagram @wrtutoring_caminowellbeing.

Connect with Us

Waterloo Region-wide Tutoring Partners

At Camino, we don’t do it alone. Thanks to collaboration of these community partners, together we're ensuring that students and families in our community have the necessary support. We are stronger together.

  • Adventure4Change
  • Anishnabeg Outreach
  • Centreville-Chicopee Community Association
  • Greenway-Chaplin Community Centre
  • Kinbridge Community Association
  • Muslim Social Services Waterloo Region
  • Peace for All Canada
  • Preston Heights Community Group
  • Somali Canadian Association Waterloo Region
  • YMCA of Three Rivers
WRT partners